Mission Statement

The promotion of high standards of professional competence, conduct and commitment to teaching and learning.


The Council has the following responsibilities

  • to keep under review and assess education and training standards and on the fitness of each person who chooses to practise the teaching profession.
  • to examine applications for a warrant to practise the teaching profession and to make recommendations to the Minister on the award or refusal thereof.
  • to examine applications for a Qualification Allowance with regards to state school teachers.

Education Act Chapter 327. Legal Notice 179 of 2008 brought into force  Articles 23 -42 of the Education Act on the 29th of July 2008. The Education Act was amended in virtue of Act XIII of 2012.

Policy Documents

LN 414 of 2012 Education Act (Cap. 327) Teachers (Code of Ethics and Practice) Regulations, 2012. 

The new code sets out the key principles of good conduct and practice for teachers, and is intended to guide teachers’ practice judgments and decisions and inform parents, and the community of these standards. It also aims to encourage teachers to adopt an informed approach to their teaching and its contexts and to reflect on the good and correct practices as professional teachers.

The functions of the Council are clearly outlined in article 27 of the Education Act and may be classified as follows:


Regulatory Functions

The Council:

  • keeps under review and assess education and training standards;
  • holds an official register of all registered teachers and another register of those holding a temporary teacher’s warrant. Records are kept of any suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of a warrant;
  • keeps an official register of all teachers’ partnerships;
  • inquires into any allegation of professional misconduct, gross negligence or incompetence by a teacher
  • promotes and encourages initiatives which ensure a continuing professional training and development programme for warrant holders;
  • processes applications for a warrant to practise the teaching profession;
  • makes recommendations on the award or refusal of a warrant to the Hon. Minister;
  • issues warrant certificates to teachers who meet the required academic and professional standard; and
  • records information in relation to associations representing teachers in Malta.

Advisory Functions

The Council provides advice to the Hon. Minister on:

  • the initial training and continuing professional development of teachers, the establishment of standards, practices, procedures and other duties related to the profession of the teacher;
  • the experience and qualifications for holding and retaining a warrant; and
  • the revision of the legal framework regarding professional conduct and code of ethics.

Operational Functions

The Council:

  • promotes and encourages initiatives which ensure a continuing professional training and development programme for warrant holders;
  • processes applications for a warrant to practise the teaching profession;
  • makes recommendations on the award or refusal of a warrant to the Hon. Minister;
  • issues warrant certificates to teachers who meet the required academic and professional standard; and
  • records information in relation to associations representing teachers in Malta.