Foreign language studies are an important component of ensuring that the Maltese work force is resilient, dynamic and equipped with skills that support the open nature of the Maltese economy. Despite all the efforts made by education institutions to promote the learning and mastery of foreign languages, the Government of Malta recognises the numerous benefits gained by young people who are exposed to the learning of a foreign language in its native country.

To address this possibility, the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (MEYR) is committed to provide financial assistance to young persons to widen their language and cultural horizons by undertaking language training in the respective native country.

The main objectives of this scholarship scheme are to:

•Provide young persons with the possibility to follow language training in the respective country,

•Promote the appreciation of foreign languages,

•Mitigate the skills deficiencies in foreign languages,

•Provide opportunities for re-skilling and up-skilling of young people, and

•Improve on the quality and relevance of skills according to industry requirements.​

 1st Call 2022 
Scholarship Application click here —-> ​​ ​